Posted by:
at Mon Aug 13 12:20:42 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by krisnfred ]
Hi, have read some of the posts here. Seems others have had troubles with younger cats pooping outside of their litter box. We are having similar troubles, but our cat is 15 yrs old and has always been a diligent litter box user. We are scheduling him a vet appointment as well, but thought someone might have some pointers. His litter box is clean, and there have been no recent changes in the house. He is a declawed inside cat, so moving him to the yard is not an option. As annoying as it is, we could possibly tolerate it (as he was only doing it every so often for about the last month), but we have two issues that complicate the matter. First, he has increased the frequency to about every other day over the past week or so. Second, we have a two year old daughter and we are terrified that she will find a pile that we have missed. Another thing that I find odd is that he is still peeing in the litter box, and when he poops in the guest bedroom it is just that, only poop. We are not sure if he has some condition that is causing this or if it is just senility. In either case, it is simply not something that can continue. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
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