Posted by:
at Wed Dec 29 12:14:58 2004 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by AstiLover ]
I rescued my kittie, Chopper Boo, when he was 11 weeks old. To this day he will try to nurse on one of my other cats. Only one will tolerate his nursing behavior for about 5 minutes then lick his head really hard and walk away. Chopper is a year old now and only tries to nurse on one of my two cats and he jsut picks any spot to nurse, the thigh, the belly, the chest! It's hilarious and I always watch to see how long the other cat will tolerate it! LOL! The vet says nothing is wrong, that they do this when they feel comfortable and relaxed and may do it all their lives! Some outgrow it, but it is mentally good for them because they only do this when they feel safe.
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