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at Wed Sep 20 22:48:41 2006 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by cuteness_n_daisy ]
ok my cat is already an odd ball but lately her behaviour is beginning to get stranger. she was weened very early from her mother and i adopted her when she was about a month old (she is about 6-7 months old now) as long as we've had her she has put herself to sleep by curling into a ball and sucking her own nipple. at first we were concerned, then a little weirded out...somehow, it is now cute to us. she is a strange cat. my problem is, she has recently began to walk/scoot around the house and half pur/half meow. she sticks her bum in the air as she does this. she looks like shes sick but im not sure. she has not yet recieved her second set of shots nor has she been spayed. is she ready to go in heat? or is she sick? she has not gone outside and i intend to spay her before we let her roam. any input or help would be much appreciated.
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half pur half meow, sucking own nipple - cuteness_n_daisy, Wed Sep 20 22:48:41 2006