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RE: Kitty Es Loco/Haunted app't

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Posted by: PHMadameAlto at Tue Oct 31 21:09:37 2006  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by PHMadameAlto ]  

Actually I'm wondering if he is hearing or sensing some "critter" that might be holed up in the walls or ceiling.

Frankly, you should proably have the cat checked by the vet - he could be having some sort of neurological issues or disturbances in his vision.

If all is OK medically, just relax and enjoy his antics. He's sensing or seeing something you can't (cats can see things on the spectrum we can't) and it is a cute quirk! And lots of fun for stories!

>>alright, so here's the story, we got Jersey (he looks like a holstein cow but holstein doesn't havethe same ring to it that jersey cow did) at about 11 weeks, and that was roughly a month and a half ago. He's done great, growing up all strong and thelike, has a few bad habits but we've simmered them down with the water bottle. Both my girlfriend and I are long time cat owners and have seen it all sort of deal.
>>So about 2 or 3 weeks after we get him, we moved into this appartment, great place, great rent, great neighbourhood. Since we've moved here though, kitty's been creeping us out. and whether it has anything to do with this or not, the closer we're getting to halloween, the creepier he's getting.
>>What he's been doing was it started off just staring at the light in hte bedroom, and I mean STARING at the light. He'd do it for a good 10 mins to 45mins on any given day, so we just figured "kitty's kinda daft" no biggee right. Well as the days pass it gets worse, he's seeing something there and it's creeping him out. as time progressed you could see him following it with his eyes and head, and you could trace the path of whatever he was seeing (he never chases, just watches from the bed). Then two days ago, this is happening, and what ever it is got more aggressive as you can see him ducking back from time to time, whipping his head around to follow it around the room then back to staring at it at the ceiling. Now he paws at it very gingerly as it comes at him but mostly hops back to avoid it. He's also started crying while it's happening and this is most definately an "i'm scared" cry.
>>While he does employ the use of hackles and bushy tail when he's playing (particularily when he's chasing his tail and manages to tick himself off) they don't raise during this, his tail just wags sharply from time to time.
>>Now at first this was all innocent and we joked around that kitty ain't to bright, but now it's down right creepy. Like i said i've been around a lot of cats, and i've seen them do the chase imaginary mice game, or things that we can't see, i've seen the senile cats stare at walls for half a day, this one's new to me, and like i said..... friggin creepy.
>>Creeped Out
Smile, it will make them wonder what you are up to!


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>> Next Message:  RE: Kitty Es Loco/Haunted app't - CreepedOutKitty, Wed Nov 1 14:39:34 2006

<< Previous Message:  Kitty Es Loco/Haunted app't - CreepedOutKitty, Mon Oct 30 11:47:10 2006