Posted by:
at Sat Dec 1 23:07:37 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by sazira ]
I realize the only way to truly know the answer to this, is to go to the vet, but I simply cannot afford any "surprises" that they wish to do without my authorization at this time.
It's happened 3 times, i'd say easily over a month apart. Twice was when he had gotten outside (hes an indoor cat) and once a few moments ago in our bathroom. I'd like to believe he just got scared. He doesn't do much thrashing around, he just stands there shaking. I pick him up and bring him inside into our livingroom and i hold him, and his breathing is very heavy, and he starts drooling all over the place. He proceeds to snuggle up against me, but randomly lets out a few cries that could just break your heart. After about 10 minutes of soothing and talking quietly to him, I put him down and he searchs for a place to hide. Not finding anywhere to go, he goes straight for his food bowl and starts to eat. (He's a little chubby for being about a year or two old, but he does eat a lot. Everytime you pet him he has to go straight to his bowl)
I've seen dogs seizure (our black lab) had a seizure that I had to witness before we had put her down, and his shaking was not nearly as bad as that but I've yet to see a cat seizure so, I'm not sure if this is on the same level or not.
I read somewhere the last time he had an episode that cats can get pretty scared, hence the term scardy cat and was hoping it was just that. Aside from the blatant "take him to the vet" replies, anyone got anything to ease my mind?
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