Posted by:
at Sat Jan 24 23:37:19 2004 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by LisaS. ]
my sister has a cat like this, ironically named "Turbo" (he used to be fast, at least as a very young kitten). Who knows how much he ways now, but he is absolutely huge, grossly obese, whatever you want to call it. He eats very little and moves even less. His metabolism has slowed down to a crawl. He just sleeps all the time. Anyway, even the slight swatting he does at the toy is better than nothing. sorry I don't have any advice for you-one of my cats is too thin, one just right, and one is fighting with obesity. His is definitely appetite related. We put balls in his food bowl to slow him down, but him on diet food and get him running through the house. and we weigh him often, hoping he'll stop eating like a pig . We expect to have to deal with major obesity soon, but he's very active (burmese breed tends to be active all their life).
good luck,
Lisa S.
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