Posted by:
at Sat Feb 21 05:53:06 2004 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by coneycritters ]
>>I have what I consider a special kitty. Henry looks like a Himalayan, but I guess something got into the breed and the litter was given away. He was the 'runt'. As he grew, his upper 'arms' didn't. The vet called it hydracondria/something like that. Hank can't jump like a regular cat. He's low to the ground and 'slopes'. At 4 and 1/2 he just hit 8 lbs. The rest of him is in proportion. He 'stands' on his hind legs and appears to be begging because his front paws are so short. He's Mr. finicky. My husband made me kitty stairs for him so that he can get up and look out the window like the big guys!
That's so wonderful that he's gotten a loving home. It's seems like alot of people can 'look past' certain special needs but not others if it makes the cat look different. Hurray, for your hubby!! What a sweet thought.-- Jennifer -----
"I saw Othello's visage in his mind, And to his honours and his valiant parts Did I my soul and fortunes consecrate."
In most cases Ellison goes around the pit, jumps over it...or jumps right into it, on purpose, avoiding major injury either by his own talent, the grace of god, or a combination of the two.
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