Posted by:
at Wed Aug 3 20:57:32 2005 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by PHMadameAlto ]
Wow! Those are great suggestions!
>>Is there a way of alerting him as to what room he's in? Like the room with the food dishes smells like roses, but the room that has his bed smells like oranges but the livingroom smells like lilacs. Cats have such a heightened sense of smell that it wouldn't much. What about , when he bumps into the furniture putting little scent stickers, some smell like bubblegum here and there on them right at his level so the first time he'll bump into the furniture but he will smell bubblegum, then next time he may bump into the same piece of furniture or another piece of furniture and again smell bubblegum but the third time he may just remember that when he smells bubblegum there's a obstacle right there and it will alert him beforehand. He may not have sight but all of his other senses still work, don't they? Work with those so he can make sense of his world. -----
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