Posted by:
at Mon Jul 24 17:31:21 2006 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by PHKitkat ]
Hi There,
I am so sorry for your losses. CRF is a tough disease to deal with in cats. I have lost 3 kitties to it myself.
There is really nothing you can feed that would give your future kittens less of a chance of developing CRF. Even a lifetime of feeding low protein food wouldn't help, nor would it be healthy. Most cats get CRF as they age and their bodies start wearing out.
On the other hand, canned food is best for cats because it's more natural for them. A diet high in protein and low in carbs is much closer to what cats would eat in the wild. Cats aren't even made to digest carbs, as they don't have the enzymes needed to digest them properly. Canned food contains a lot of moisture, which is good, as cats normally do not drink much water.
As far as avoiding urinary tract problems, dry food can be a factor in helping to cause it in some cats. It depends on whether or not a particular cat is susceptible to forming crystals and/or stones. And don't believe the packaging that says something about a dry food being formulated for urinary tract health. A cat can still have problems on those foods.
Before deciding on what brands to feed, I recommend you read a lot of labels before making your decision. You want some kind of meat as the first ingredient, and it's not a bad idea to avoid corn. It's a cheap filler that tends to put a lot of weight on cats.
Regards, PHKitkat
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