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Pepsi the special princess

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Posted by: Rescuekitty1979 at Tue May 29 06:21:00 2007  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Rescuekitty1979 ]  

Hi Everyone

I'm just looking primarily for maybe some advice or ideas to try with my gal Pepsi. I'll give some background and see if anyone can help at all........

We got Pepsi in April 2006 from a cat and dog rescue place relatively locally. On the day we arrived they were closing early and we were looking for a female, of which there were 2 and we chose Pepsi, a beautiful black DSH princess who looked so sad and miserable we couldn't resist (usually I would never adopt a kitty who seems so troubled but she spoke out to me right away ). We took her home and noticed she had a bald stomach area and the saddest eyes I had ever seen. So we got her vet checked after a few days as we found that we were scratching permanently from suspected fleas. It turned out she was totally covered in them and after standard flea treatment and spray for the house all the fleas disappeared and she seemed a lot happier and came out of herslef.

She is so loving but still had issues with licking her tummy and keeping the fur away, occasionally we could see some start to grow but it was never for we took her for tests at a local skin vets specialist. After testing it was apparent she was highly allergic to house dust and to flea bites (not surprisingly) so was put on a course of steroids with an aim to have monthly injections for her allergies.

She now has her allergy injection once a month and is still slowly being weaned off the steroid tablets as the injection dose increases which definitely makes a difference to her general skin condition and MOST of the time she is perfectly white skinned and relatively loving.

Pepsi, as a result of no doubt the first 2 years of he rlife being totally neglected, now has a number of issues aside from her allergies. Firstly she is very much attached to my partner yet will occasionally show her dislike to things I may be doing like stroking her (?!?!) or erm talking to her etc etc but my partner Andy is her best friend in the whole world. All I can think is that maybe she was mistreated by a female owner at some point.....also she is very unsociable with our baby kit Cola. He is an absolute darling and will regularly go to her to lay beside her which ends in her hissing and moving away, or if he nuzzles her face she howls and growls at him, which he doesn't seem to understand why she is being so mean !!

Also she still licks at her skin when there is no itrritation and will occasionally make it sore (I'm guessing here maybe stress related from baby kit trying to be friends. She has had her elizabethan collar on for 2 weeks now to heal a wound she created on her leg from nothing at all (self harm) and the vet can think of no reason as to why she would do it.

I think partly it's habit and partly a mental thing but I was wondering if anyone has suggestions on mental problems in cats due to treatment, I would assume from birth, to a point where they are rescued and spoiled beyond belief I'm not sure what more we can do for her in that way apart from regularly having to fit the medicinal collar til she haels then waiting til she does it all over again.....whew. Anyway she is our baby and we love her dearly and will do anything to help her. I also worry a lot what would have happened to her if we had not adopted her when we did due to her moodiness, skin allergies (cost etc). Thank the lord we saved her

Kind Regards
Pepsi and Cola's human Janis
MAX - Earned his wings April 2006 - Sleep tight Pussy Cat

"Like those great sphinxes lounging through eternity in noble attitudes upon the desert sand, they gaze in curiosity at nothing, calm and wise"
Charles Baudelaire


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>> Next Message:  RE: Pepsi the special princess - PHKitkat, Tue May 29 19:42:17 2007