Posted by:
at Tue Apr 8 08:46:43 2003 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Martisimo ]
"its amoccillin tablets half of 375 mg"
If you mean that you're giving AMOXICILLAN at that dosage, then YES you are giving them too much. That might equate to a medium to large dog dosage. Otherwise, I've not heard of the drug you mentioned.
Never medicate a cat without guidance from a veterinarian, and take them in for treatment right away so they can begin eating. Three days more with very little food could easily be enough to cause damage that is irreversible in a cat.
There are many, many things that could be causing the condition you think they have, especially in Persians. All the conditions I can think of require continued veterinary care, at least for a few weeks, some of them for life. If you don't have the financial resources to keep up with taking care of persians, which the person you got them from hopefully told you that they are always *high maintenance* cats, then you might consider whether or not you are a good match for them.
Please believe that we are not trying to be harsh, that we only want what's best for those two kitties. Many people don't realize the situation you're describing and then medicating cats on your own, without vet supervision, is very serious. Other than the fact that you don't know the correct dose and that alone can be dangerous, cats can't take many of the medications that people do - in some cases the medications are toxic enough to them to cause death.
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