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at Sun Mar 27 13:09:02 2005 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by cherrypiekitty ]
About 5 months ago a stray cat who looked no older than 7 months old wandered over to our house. After feeding it for a week or so, it looked as if he chose to stay. I took him to the vet clinic I work at where he was tested negative for FeLV, and vaccinated for that as well as distemper and rabies. He was also neutered at this time. He's done great the past few months, plumping up quite well compared to the scrawny thing he showed up as. Been feeding him dry food as well as moist; never was picky; would eat anything. However, for the past month or so we've noticed other cat visitors coming in to our garage (my dad had cut a hole in the back door for him to wander in and out of)who seemed to be eating his food. We noticed him getting thin so decided to feed him when he was around and not when other cats could sneak in; thinking that may have been the problem. However he still isn't eating. His behavior is otherwise normal; very affectionate and seems more interested in being pet than eating. At first, he always seems tempted by whatever food I'm offering him (like the deli sliced ham this morning) but after a few sniffs and a bite; he just comes back meowing. Also I noticed than when he does try to eat, he makes weird noises as he's chewing... kind of like "gargling" I suppose. Maybe he has a bad tooth, at least I'm hoping. I was concerned that he may be fighting with other cats but didn't think that would have a direct impact on his weight so significantly. I know I should take him to the vet; but unfortunately the clinic offers no discount to employees... and being just an 18 year old girl with a part time job; I don't think I could afford getting the bloodwork and such done. Parents offer no help; since "I was the one who took the responsibility when I started feeding him and he stayed." He's the sweetest thing and it kills me to know there's not much I can do... I'm going to talk to a few people about the financial situation so that I can try getting him to the clinic tomorrow afternoon. Anyone have any idea what could be wrong with him?
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Getting thin... worried owner.. - cherrypiekitty, Sun Mar 27 13:09:02 2005