Posted by:
at Mon May 7 17:33:06 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by PHKitkat ]
Hi There,
I'm so sorry that your senior kitty is having health issues. I know how difficult this is, especially when you don't know what is going on.
It's a good idea to have the ultrasound done in a case like this. Ultrasound exams will often give the vet some helpful information, and at the same time help to rule out some possibilities as well. They can be expensive but are great diagnostic tools without resorting to something invasive, such as exploratory surgery.
Many medications should not be given if a cat isn't eating. and the med for hyperthyroidism is one. It's hard on the stomach anyway, and is best given with food. The most common side effects of methimazole are anorexia and nausea. If your cat was eating before being started on meds, this is most likely the cause.
A cat that has stopped eating can develop something called fatty liver disease in as little as 2 - 3 days. This is a very serious condition, and fatal without treatment. For this reason a cat that stops eating should be force fed. Cats with fatty liver disease sometimes require a feeding tube for a time.
Please try anything and everything you can think of that your cat might eat. Strained meat baby foods sometimes work, with no onion added. No matter what the cause of your cat's anorexia is, liver problems are sure to follow if she hasn't eaten for several days. Senior kitties can go downhill very quickly and I am a little bit surprised that your baby isn't in the hospital right now, for IV fluids and meds and some kind of assisted feeding.
Please keep us updated.
Regards, PHKitkat
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