Posted by:
at Wed Sep 19 19:11:55 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by PHKitkat ]
Hi There,
I think your cat should go to another vet immediately. When a cat stops eating they are at high risk for developing fatty liver disease, which is fatal without treatment. This would be on top of whatever it is that caused the anorexia in the first place. Another thing that is worrisome to me is that no further diagnostics are being done on your kitty. Obviously, something is wrong and if bloodwork is normal than the vet should recommend another diagnostic aid, such as x-rays and/or an ultrasound exam. Plus, your baby is most likely dehydrated after all this time.
I would either go in and get a copy of all your cat's records, or have them fax everything to the second vet. If you could find a cat-only vet, it would be ideal. Perhaps you know someone who can recommend a good vet that they trust.
Chances are that whatever is ailing your baby is treatable. But the sooner you find out what is wrong the better off you will both be. I can tell you really love her and are very worried.
Please take her in ASAP and let us know how it goes. I will keep you both in my prayers.
Regards, PHKitkat
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