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Reoccuring eye problems

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Posted by: scott_and_cat at Sat Mar 20 02:27:11 2004  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by scott_and_cat ]  

We adopted our second cat Golum at 7 months of age, who was an abused kitten, and had severe eye & upper respitory infections.

He was treated for the infections by the rescue agency and then by us once we adopted him. His eyes have always been murky with the third eye lids partially extended, and a slight cloudy glaze to them-- something we knew when we adopted him, and that some day he may loose his sight all togehter.

When we adopted him, he was painfully head-shy, he was not a social cat by any means, and it's taken me near two years of contant TLC and working on trust issues to get him to where he is today. He's quite obsessive about his "Momma" now, and I would not want it any other way...

Golum is an indoor cat and has his good days and his bad days with his eyes. It seems to not affect his playful, outgoing nature-- he's my wild boy.

Monday, I noticed a "film" discarging from his right eye. A film that covered his right eye and I noticed that his third eye lids, though usually extended due to past trama, were pink and irritated looking. Though his eyes are not as murky as they have been, I'm just worried about that sloughed flim...kinda like a giant cat "eye booger"..

Right now, they are a pretty amber-green and I've done my daily routine of cleaning the 'Sleep' from the corner of his eye.

He usually has some discharge-- I've never noticed the sloughing film before. So to the vet he goes this weekend.

I'm just happy that he is his alert & devious self, he's still eating like my little piggy & drinking from his water dish.

I'm just wondering if he does'nt have a deveolping allergy or if the eye problems just ebb and flow on their own occord? He has not changed his daily habits, nor does it seem to effect him in a negative way.

I've already made a vet appointment for him to have his eyes checked-- but I know I'll feel better typing at the moment, intstead of laying in bed thinking about his eye problems.

I had an appointment for Wensday, but had to cancel due to the amount of snow we had on that day (Over a foot and the main roads we closed!). So, now it's Saturday.

My poor bubby.

Has anyone had a cat with reoccuring eye problems?


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