Posted by:
at Mon May 2 07:04:22 2005 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by jalexa ]
Hi, Yes I agree. It is 7:30 my time. I am going to find a vet this morning as soon as their offices open. I am hoping to locate someone who will treat her for less than $100, actally, I would pay more than $100 even tho I am not working right now. What I feel that I need to find is an animal doctor who doesn't blackmail with the extremes of euthenasia or animal hospital, expensive x-rays, and exotic expensive diagnositic procedures. In answer to the cat deserving to be taken to the vet...I am sure that veterinians like medical doctor do as much harm as they do good. Even though I am biting the bullet and taking her to a vet is with great reservation that I do this. I am a registered nurse. As idealistic as it may seem it is just not "life" for us animals to escape pain and death. There is pain when we are born and the pain of sickness and then the pain of death. Both veterinians and medical doctors and modern medicine is held up to be "the answer" for sickness, suffering and death. I don't believe it and I don't think there is a silver bullet for my cat or for us humans. If the pain is bad enough there is nothing that will eradicate it short of death. I do not believe in euthenasia for cats, dogs or people. Why kill if there is going to be death. why this insatiable desire to control. Murder is murder even in the name of good. An animal can be helped with medicine and medical procedure for the most part only if the body already hold the capacity for curing itself. When Jasmine dies it will not be because she didn't get to the vet in time. The reason medical doctors and small animal doctors charge such ridiculous fees is because we have brainwashed into believing they hold the keys to the kingdom of life and we believe it. It aint so. Because my skinny little siamese cat has had the life force to survive for 5 days with what is apparently a potentially fatal disorder or disease I am taking her to get help. What I expect from the vet is any potential supportive treatments available. He or she does not have to do xrays, bloodwork, or cut her open to see that she is sick. Knowing what is wrong with her is not going to make any difference. But giving her a steroid or an antibiotic may give her body the boost and energy it needs to to either die or get better.
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