Posted by:
at Wed Dec 19 13:45:15 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by BlackHeartNY ]
I take care of a feral colony. One of the kittens, who is about 6 weeks old, walks very unbalanced and most of the time falls over. She seems to have a problem with the hind legs because she moves OK on the front legs. When she walks, the back side of her body (and tail) moves all over the place, and then she falls over.
I don't believe there are any broken bones anywhere. She doesn't cry out in pain when I hold her. She just can't walk straight.
What causes this type of thing? Is there anything I can do to correct her gait? I feel so sorry for her because she can't move the way the rest of the cats can and avoids any type of play. She also waits, most of the time, for the other cats to eat first, or they just run her over! Thanks for all the replies!
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