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at Fri Jul 29 08:51:29 2005 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by blueyedtreefrog ]
I personally have never used hartz, but I've read on here that it kills cats and especially little kittens so I would not use it on them anymore. I found a little kitten along side the road last year that was infested with fleas (vet told me he was 4-6 wks old). I was deperate so we actually just used a very tiny amount of flea shampoo, I think it might have even been dog shampoo. It took a few washings, if I remember correctly we used dawn dish detergent too because I was afraid if we used too much flea shampoo it would make the baby sick (Just make sure you rinse very well!). Luckily, it didn't. After that, you're gonna have to flea comb them. I bathed my poor lil guy like once every two days and I would comb him at least 2 times a day with the flea comb. It was really gross and time consuming, but if you leave the fleas on them, it could kill them. When I would find the fleas when I combed him, I put them in a container with rubbing alcohol which kills them almost instantly, so they wouldn't escape. I actually got to the point where when I would hold him, I could spot the fleas and pick them off of him. Then I just flushed them down the toilet. As for the momma cat, you could use flea shampoo and the comb as well. I would definitely suggest having two people when bathing the cats. The kittens will be a little easier because they're small (my poor little guy actually got used to it cuz he had ring worm too and I had to bathe him for that too!) The momma cat will probably be harder. Use one person to retrain and the other to wash and rinse and whatnot.
As for getting your house clear of the pests, I don't really know what to tell you besides your going to have to get the cats out of there until after it's been bombed or they're going to get infested again. I heard vacuuming with the dog flea in the bag works. Good luck!!
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