Posted by:
at Wed Sep 29 13:34:27 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by MMathis ]
Yesterday I found a tiny kitten in a busy parking lot, so I brought it home for safe-keeping and care. From what I can tell, it's about 6 wks. old . It's temp. was normal, and it's eating, drinking, and using the litter box. It was covered with fleas, and I know I shouldn't have, but I bathed it with flea soap. We have a vet appt. this afternoon for a general health check.
The kitten doesn't act at all feral: it doesn't run or act afraid of me; it craves my attention, is almost clingy, and wants to be in my arms. It enjoys being petted and purrs if I pet it while it eats, etc. But there's something about the kitten's behavior that doesn't seem quite right and I can't put my finger on it. The baby doesn't seem to know how to play, . If I move a toy around it, the baby just looks at it and sometimes reacts with a little fear. It doesn't seem to like anything like a ball or fuzzy toy to touch its paws or it's face , and will draw back like you would react to a painful stimulus.
Could this just be due to the kitten's young age -- not knowing it's exact age or how it was socialized -- maybe it's younger than I'm estimating. Or could there be something wrong with the baby causing it to act this way?
We have 3 other cats, so I'm keeping this baby isolated from them.
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