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RE: Wait! That's not a Tonk!!!!

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Posted by: DaKatzTonknTurks at Thu Aug 11 01:31:35 2005  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by DaKatzTonknTurks ]  

>>Ohhhhh, Sunny is so pretty!!
>>Beautiful alert face and love those ears!

Thanks! She's everything I was hoping the breeding would accomplish. She looks just like her daddy did.

I've heard that TA's are great pets.

They are so long as your not overly attached to any breakable knick knacks that aren't safely put away or glued down. Turkies will, more often than not, take the high ground when ever possible.

On the AOL pet boards, someone is looking for a TA. She called a rescue organization and they turned her down because she has 10 cats and they told her that TA's are "clingy" and need a lot of attention. This person is not one of those "cat collecters". She loves all of her cats and some of them have been rescued from certain death, to find a forever home with her. She also rescued a stray who had what appeared to be a very badly injured foot. She spent a lot of time and money on this kitty to find that she had cancer in that foot. The leg has been amputated and this kitty is doing extremely well.
>>I'd like a TA owner's viewpoint on this subject. Are TA's "clingy"? Do they not do well in a multi cat household?

I went to the AOL boards and found the woman's post. I e-mailed her with my information and told her to contact me if she was still interested in getting a Turkey. I don't know why the rescue said that Turkies are clingy and need one on one attention. If that was true how could breeders like me, well, breed? Perosonally I find multi cats households ideal for them. Turkies are intellegent, extremely high energy cats (even more so than Tonks) and having kitty playmates to help run some of that extra energy off is a plus in my book. Not to say that they don't do well as an only cat, they can and do. Yes, they are people cats. Yes they can, and often do, demand a lot of your attention, but they bond very strongly with their people and are loyal companions kittenish well into adulthood. Thanks for the heads up I hope I can help this person some day obtain her dreams of being owned by a Turkey.


She says fangs you. Show reports and any other pics will be posted on the Turkish Angora board.

Tonks:Siamese on valium/Burmese on speed!
Turks:Turkies rule!


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<< Previous Message:  RE: Wait! That's not a Tonk!!!! - Yakster, Tue Aug 9 00:57:37 2005