Posted by:
at Sat Sep 17 11:25:05 2005 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by CarolEm&Ed ]
Liat sounds very much like Emily. It's pretty easy for me to pull one over on Eddie, but Emily is another story altogether.
I think she has radar. She notices everything new and/or different -- even little things.
She also is very concerned with her own personal dignity. Unless we're playing bat the ball back and forth (I roll the ball to her and she swats it back--it seems to be especially fun if I miss and have to go retrieve it) she won't play with her toys if she thinks I'm watching.
>>Liat is just too much. I tried a new boobie trap on the LP's. I created a sheet a duck tape that covers the area where she was scratching. She was shut in the bedroom while I set this up. Last night I saw her walk up to "the spot" , sniff it,cock her head as if to say "it's still there" and walk away. there is no sign she has attempted to scratch the tape, just took note of it. What a character. Are all Tonks this smart? I would never have believed some of the things she does if I hadn't seen them. >>----- >>Terry, confused human companion of Liat.
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