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RE: How did you discover the Tonkinese breed

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Posted by: CarolEm&Ed at Thu Jan 26 16:14:49 2006  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by CarolEm&Ed ]  

My previous cats were what I refer to as "welfare kitties" -- two of the most wonderful, loving creatures anyone could ever imagine and both of whom, essentially, found me. However, I had always loved Siamese cats and their "chatty" personalities.

When my dear little Piewacket went to the bridge I decided it was time. I asked at my vet's office for a breeder recommendation and one of the women who worked there suggested I look at Tonks instead, since they are more like the old fashioned Siamese I remembered in terms of appearance. I'd never heard of the breed but I thought, "Why not check them out?"

As luck would have it, the breeder she recommended to me lived about six miles from my house. I walked in the door and was greeted by several of the most beautiful, outgoing, friendly little cats I had ever seen. It was love at first sight!! Then, she took me into the room where all the kittens were and that was it.

I brought Emily home the day after my first visit (I wanted them all, but reason and my bank account prevailed). Eddie joined us six months later.

Carol, Emily, & Eddie

>>I always wonder...because most people who meet mine, Bentley and Finster especially automatically assume Siamese...and then when I say Tonkinese...they give me that blank stare...???
>>I found Tonks by accident...I always loved the color of the Siamese coat and always wanted a cat with Blue while researching the breed (and being a little disappointed) I came across the Tonks and immediately knew that was the breed for me...and have since collected all of my favorite colors!!!
>>How did you hear about/find them?


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>> Next Message:  RE: How did you discover the Tonkinese breed - TerryB, Thu Jan 26 16:55:45 2006

<< Previous Message:  How did you discover the Tonkinese breed - 2TonksHere, Wed Jan 25 19:31:11 2006