Posted by:
at Sat Jan 28 09:41:26 2006 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by mskc ]
Riker is kind of a biter as well, but not to Ricky's level. I think it is a kind of kitten love and play because my two spend a lot of play time biting each other. When we were petting him or playing, sometimes Riker would bite down pretty hard. If he bit me, I'd immediately just tap him on the nose and say "no." I didn't yell or tap him hard, but a little thump and a no. Then I would quit petting or playing with him. I'm pretty happy that he has stopped biting us (reletively quickly since we've only had them two weeks).
I am not the master of all cat knowledge, so maybe others will have a suggestion. ----- Ms KC
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- Ricky "nips" - mommytobayla, Sat Jan 28 09:32:35 2006
RE: Ricky "nips" - mskc, Sat Jan 28 09:41:26 2006
- RE: Ricky "nips" - mommytobayla, Sat Jan 28 11:28:42 2006
