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RE: Babykins and his teeth

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Posted by: CarolEm&Ed at Fri Apr 27 17:58:33 2007  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by CarolEm&Ed ]  

Oh Yak,
I suspect this is harder on you than it is on Chris.
At least he is drinking water. That's a very good thing.

When Emily had her surgery back in 2001 (on Sept. 11 -- I will never forget that day for so many reasons) she went under the bed and wouldn't come out. I had to extract her and take her in twice to be hydrated because not only would she not eat, she would not drink anything either.

Please know that I am sending all the positive thoughts I can muster to you and Chris.


>>Well, Chris had his surgery on Tuesday. Turns out his lower left mandible is fractured. Joanna doesn't know if it was already fractured or if it fractured when the tooth was pulled.
>>My Babykins has no teeth and that past days have not been very easy. Chris is such a good boy. I'm giving him morphine shots and those make him very sleepy.
>>When the surgery was done, Joanna put in a suture all the way around Chris' lower a big circle with the end of the suture coming out under Chris' chin behind the bone. She did it just to try to stabilize things for a couple of weeks. During the procedure, she ended up calling the Vet School to ask about the fracture. The orthopedic guy said that as long as Chris has no teeth, it shouldn't be a problem since Cats don't actually chew their food....they swallow it down and the GI tract breaks it down.
>>Chris is drinking well which is a blessing however he is not eating. With no teeth left, he keeps dropping the food out of his mouth. I got about a teaspoon of baby food down him last night. He seems to have these "spells" where his mouth either hurts or itches or maybe goes into a muscle spasm. He opens his mouth wide and then drops his face between his paws and rubs his whisker pads with his paws. I can't imagine that it is comfortable, whatever it is.
>>Yesterday, YakSpouse called me here at work and said that Chris couldn't seem to get his tongue out of his mouth so I called Joanna and asked if perhaps the tongue was stuck underneath that suture. She said it was possible so I called YakSpouse back and told him to burn rubber to the vet where the suture was removed.
>>I just want my Babykins to feel better fast. I want him to start eating and I want the pain to go away and I want his gums to heal quickly. I know he's 18 years of age and he'll generally heal bit slower but I'm worried sick about him. He's got two more days of pain shots and hopefully that's all he'll need.
>>Chris is my Babykins and he is essential in my life. I have, many times, questioned the wisdom of putting him through this, however I can't see leaving bad teeth in his mouth and possibly making the situation a lot worse.
>>Chris could use all the good vibes he can get. Thanks everyone!!


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<< Previous Message:  RE: Babykins and his teeth - Yakster, Fri Apr 27 15:24:50 2007