Posted by:
at Wed Aug 15 15:22:08 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by 2TonksHere ]
This morning while I was on the phone with my mother-in-law a full out prison riot broke out here...
Alastair got his paw stuck in the cat door leading to the screened porch and started freaking out...Trysta runs over to see what is going on...Alastair is howling and swiping at her but of course, she won't go away...Bentley and Finster were in the screened porch at the time and get a whiff of Alastair's pheromones and immediately start attacking each other. I'm inside the house trying to get Ali's paw out from the door, with a greyhound who is refusing to move out of the way, Alastair who is also attacking me, while I am watching Bentley and Finster through the glass wailing and hissing at each other and doing cartoon like attack moves at each other with fur flying all over the place. And my 6 year old son starts hysterically crying because he just completely does not understand what is going on...
Finally, I get Alastair unstuck, go outside to try and break up the other two, who also think I'm fair game at this point since I have Alastairs smell on me...I throw a towel on Fin and run him upstairs and lock him in the guest room, come back throw a towel on Bentley and lock him in my room...find Ali, check his paw for any damage (there was none) and lock him in my son's room....and go back down to calm Alex and check Trysta's snoot for gashes.
an hour later they were all allowed out of their time outs and have been all cuddled together again in my closet since...
I have to scary as it is really unbelievable seeing nature at work...three cats who normally lay in a pile instantly turn on each other because of a innate chemical designed for that purpose...let the chemical subside and the air clear out and they are back in a pile again...
This is not the first pheromone experience so luckily I know what was going on and how to handle it...and luckily no one got hurt and my greyhound is trained to just let the cats beat up on her and not strike back...she was actually just trying to help him, she always comes to the aid of my son when he is hurt or crying...of course, my other greyhound slept through the whole thing...
What a morning!!!!
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