Posted by:
at Thu Dec 6 09:13:09 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by baka ]
Thanks Cailin for advice. The reason I was interested in the self cleaning litter box is that I have an apartment, as opposed to a house, and odor control is very important for me. Plus I am going to get two kittens (4-5 month old) and thought self cleaning litter box would make sure that they have always clean tray. I also travel for long periods of time and it would have been easier for my cat sitter.
I will try in the begining a normal one and maybe later switch to automatic when they grow up a littel.
Is there any good litter that has effective odor control function too. I never had cats before and does not know many practical things.
As to my kittens, I am getting them from a breeder (she is more of a enthusiast breeder) in Baltimore. My boy is going to be natural mink and the girl blue mink.
As I said I never had cats before and I hope me and my kittens will get along well and I will not regret my decision.
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