Posted by:
at Thu Sep 4 20:35:46 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by PHAbymom ]
Hi Denise,
GLOW for Dominique from me, too.
When you check in with the vet, ask for a food syringe. Also, ask about an appetite stimulant. You can usually add a bit of water to the baby food and squirt it in with the syringe or even puree some of the canned c/d with water to get it in. The food syringe is much easier to use than trying to force feed with a spoon or your fingers.
In trying different things to entice her, remember a cat relies more on smell than taste to lure them in. I've found that sometimes a few drops of bacon fat or tuna water will encourage them to try eating.
Hope all goes well and keep us posted.
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