Posted by:
at Wed Sep 1 05:29:00 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by DaKatzTonknTurks ]
>>We've had our Tonks for 3 years now and I still can't get over how bendy, twisty they are and how completely trusting they are with us. They become dead weight mush when we're holding them. If we let go, they'd fall right to the floor and then look at us like, "What the heck? I thought you had me?!" >>Uploaded 5 new pics today. Can only post 3 per entry, though. =( >>Also, I finally found a hairball product that both Tonks enjoy and practically fight over. Petkin Lickstick. Check out the first picture. They really, really like this product! >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>----- >>K&C (proud servants of Teyla & Rugby) >>Peace, Purrs & Headbutts!
All of my Tonks were very trusting and HAD to be with me @ all times. Not happy unless they were in some kind of physical contact. *sighs* REALLY need another Tonk in my life, but with breeding the Turkies (and the problems I'm having with that) and my sm's cat count I don't have the room for one @ the moment. Oh well, somthing to look forward to in the future. ----- PURRS!!!! Tricia Da-Katz
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