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at Sat Dec 30 22:11:11 2006 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by kittyromeo ]
Just posting because I need to vent and I don't dare do it aloud where family could hear it!
Christmas dinner went fine, my brother came into town late that night as a stop over before attempting to see his kids the next day. His wife called me on Christmas to yell at me - again. Even told me I had no right to give her kids gifts. She didn't refuse gifts when I dropped them off weeks ago! And 24 hours after she told me once again I could never see her kids, they were in my house for a 5 day visit.
After being told repeatedly we couldn't see them over the holiday, Big Scary Man and I made kid unfriendly plans including some kitchen construction. The 5 year old was cooped up because the back yard was full of power tools.
It's not even my divorce and I feel like I'm going through a grinder! No need to reply - I just wanted some place to say "This is nuts!" without getting into more trouble.
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Survived! - kittyromeo, Sat Dec 30 22:11:11 2006