Posted by:
at Tue Mar 20 19:11:47 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by JaimeMarie ]
>>No Child Left behind laws. I feel students are learning less now with those laws than they did before the laws. >>************************************************** >> >>Ugh! As if Big Scary Man and I didn't have enough to debate over while trying to pick a school district for Punky! These frickin' frackin' new rules have made it so difficult for him he keeps throwing in the towel and insisting I home school the kid. Can you say stunted social skills?!? (hers, not him...)
I thought u were over seas! They have stupid laws over there to? Or did I just imagine that you lived over seas? haha. As for homeschooling, it isn't bad if you can find a good homeworking network. There are a lot of people that homeschool now a days. And if you get into one of those networks, your daugther would be able to make a lot of friends. ----- Jaime owned by Mya the dog and the cats:Crash, Gabby and Tucker
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