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at Thu Apr 5 07:23:04 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by kittyromeo ]
So I've been doing some genealogy work for a while now. Big Scary Man's father walked away from his family, joined the Marines and never went home again, and I've been trying to piece together some of his past, reclaim a little family history.
Looking for old records online the other night, I noticed a link for - BSM's father is said to have abandoned an account because the money came from an uncle he didn't like. Type in his name - bingo! I've got a solid lead.
I was all excited so I typed in all sorts of family names. And I'm getting hits all over the place. $13 refund my brother never claimed. $100 in the name of BSM's grandmother. $1.76 for an uncle. Several hundred in the name of brother-in-laws ex-wife. Over $200 for BSM which didn't find him when he left for his first overseas assignment. Finally I type in my name and surprise! $156 HUH?!?!
I had a part time job for maybe, MAYBE - 2 months some 12 years ago. I had signed up for the stock buy-in and owned like .72 of one share of stock when I left, worth maybe $20. The market went up and down, the company with it and eventually the stock no longer existed. And I'm now owed $156.
Only the state wants an offical ID with the address from 12 years ago, OR a bill with that address. It was 12 years ago! I've moved several times and all mail from that era was shredded a decade ago. I don't even have tax records anymore!
But it was the address where I first lived with Romeo.
I've kept a file of vet bills for each cat. And although Romes has been dead 3 years, his file is still mostly intact. Every time I purged the file cabinet, I'd get all weepy over his folder and I'd put it back.
So thanks to Romeo, I'm claiming some cash I never knew I had from the state's unclaimed funds. Who says animals never pay us back for the love we give them?
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Sometimes it pays to love your cat - kittyromeo, Thu Apr 5 07:23:04 2007