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at Mon Aug 13 20:10:06 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by gocatgo ]
Hi Elizabeth....Great question. I'm here to answer it for you. ha!
I loved the rock 'n roll of the 50s and 60s however in late 1960s, it seemed like most of it was 'drug music' and getting worse all the time. The only singers that I liked then was Neil Diamond and Gary Puckett.... and a little later, the BeeGees and Exile.
Country music was something that my dad listened to, not me. However on his country station, I happened to hear a singer that I really liked. It was in about 1970 or '71. The song was "The Taker" and the singer was Waylon Jennings. So I started listening to country to hear Waylon and get away from the drugged singers. (Ha. Little did I know!) By 1975, I had every record that Waylon recorded and to this day have more than 30 of his album. I also like Alabama, T.G. Sheppard, and Mickey Gilley. I missed all of the 70s, 80s and 90s, rock drug music stuff. When Waylon died in 2002, I lost interest in country music and started listening to soft rock on the radio at work.
In my car, I now play CDs from the 70s and 80s: BeeGees, Exile, T.G. Shephard ("Devil in the Bottle" and "Tryin' to Beat the Morning Home", Temptations, and in slot number six is Meatloaf. I saw the Meatloaf movie on TV in the late '90s and asked Josh who it was. He said, "I don't know, some old dude from the 70s or 80s." I thought he was a great singer, bought the video, bought his cds and I was on my way to being a fan of Meatloaf. I'm still listening to his music.
Suffice it to say, that I play all music over and over again until I get sick of it and don't want to hear them anymore. ----- Ruby and the Kitties Simba, Samantha, Katrina & KatyKatt Meow!! Meow!! Meow!! Meow!!
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