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RE: What's for dinner

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Posted by: cyclopsgrl at Sat Dec 22 11:00:57 2007  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by cyclopsgrl ]  

Funny you asked. Last night started the seasonal eating frenzy for me. So many local traditional events each year with two different sets of friends and my Philly cousins....

Last Night -- A dozen of us gathered at friends' for the traditional annual Damn Danish Duck Dinner. Usually we gather on Christmas Eve, as everyone in Denmark apparently eats this exact meal per our host, Jan (pronounced Yen) from Denmark (married to our Jewish friend Mindy who originally hails from Las Vegas). This year, with the way Christmas fell, many couldn't make it Christmas Eve so it was held early. Three roasted ducks (stuffed with plums, apples, and oranges), a huge pork loin, caramelized white potatos, red cabbage, boiled potatos, gravy, and dill pickles grace the table, with a traditional rice pudding for dessert. There is an single almond in the rice pudding bowl (pudding is served with warm cherry sauce) and whoemver gets the almond, gets the "prize" (an inexpensive wrapped gift). As lovely as this all sounds, the tradition isn't complete without the host and hostess fighting the whole night and other hysterical events...

Tonight -- The Condo Club annual Christmas Gathering. A few of us that have lived in the condos here, some now moved away, always gather at a local German Restaurant for the most expensive pork chops or similar German fare money can buy (LOL) and fun... I drop $25 for the meal and usually get a chop or sausage and a dab of potatoes and some red cabbage... It is blatant robbery, but a fun gathering.

Sunday and Monday -- Getting with friends for dinners out since we have this gap between the weekend and Christmas and no one seems to know what to do for dinner on Sunday and Monday, LOL...

Tuesday -- I'll be in Philly with my cousins for a traditional ham dinner, which means she'll forget to put the ham in and we'll eat at 8 or 9PM as per the norm. We'll have cheesy mashed or regular mashed potatoes, pineapple, and something green on the plate (brocolli, peas, or whatever).

My Mom in Texas, if she doesn't have a huge houseful, serves BBQ ribs on Christmas Day to close family members. If there is extensive family, she'll do a traditional turkey or ham dinner...

I am already on a grease hangover today from all the Duck and Pork from last night... Did I mention the Dane's leave about 3 inches of fat on top of the loin, like a mohawk, and it cooks down, self-basting in the oven. What you are left with is a moist pork and a crispy pork rind on top. Yes, on top of greasy duck, we all love the crispy pork rind (fried fat). I am getting queasy just remembering it...

Tammy and Pookey
(Stanley 8/91 - 8/07)


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