Posted by:
at Sat Mar 22 09:28:32 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by cyclopsgrl ]
I have a similar story to your white cat with green eyes...
Had a boyfriend when I was in the service that played a practical joke on me... I should mention he was a cop and we were on a remote overseas assignment.
We really didn't play practical jokes on each other, but out of the blue he pulled one. He had me "arrested" by buddies I didn't really know -- and it apppeared real the first few minutes, but they couldn't keep straight faces.
I told him I'd get even, he didn't take me seriously.
I plotted after my mock arrest, and waited so it wasn't obvious. I had a very good friend that headed up the K9 (Police Dog) unit on post.
One day my BF was taking a nap and I left the door unlocked. The next thing he knew, he was wide awake and pinned by a German Shephard during a no-notice drug search on the room... Of course, he didn't need to be pinned by the dog, it just added to the fun for me... ----- Tammy and Pookey (Stanley 8/91 - 8/07)
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