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The Similarities...

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Posted by: cyclopsgrl at Sun Mar 23 15:22:44 2008  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by cyclopsgrl ]  

The similarities in our lives are uncanny sometimes...

I know the movie TOO WELL. I watched it in the late 70s when it first came out. "When a Stanger Calls" or something like that. The exact same movie you write about...

Well I was in my early teens and shortly after, I had my first babysitting job. Mom came over for the job interview, etc. It was in our apartment complex, the couple was very comfortable as my Mom lived nearby, etc. Little did they know.

When I got there, the little boy was already in bed. They were going to a late dinner. I called Mom and checked in and let her know he was sound asleep in another room and all was well...

About an hour later, the calls started. A very menacing voice, "Have you checked the children?" Ring, ring. "Why haven't you checked the children yet..." Several menacing calls with a deep scary voice... I was scared to death, even tho I knew it was my Mom calling...

So, about a year ago, I was visiting my Aunt and we were laughing at how warped my Mom was and it was late one night. We decided to play the same joke on her, 30 years later. If you recall, she is raising my young niece (her granddaughter). It was well past Kylagh's bedtime. My Aunt's husband has a very very deep voice. We convinced him to call my Mom (I dialed) and he left a very scary, "Have you checked the children" voice... the only problem, I dialed the wrong number. Afterwards, he said, a guy answered. I said, there is no guy, LOL. We called my Mom and I had misdialed the first number, LOL... Some guy was wetting his pants somewhere in Texas and my Aunts husband was sure the FBY would be knocking on our door any minute...

They did a remake of the movie 3 or 4 years ago, but nothing like the original. The most scary movie to me ever...
Tammy and Pookey
(Stanley 8/91 - 8/07)


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