Posted by:
at Sun Jun 29 10:33:50 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by cyclopsgrl ]
My Onyx just turned 21 years old last week. Her only health problem is arthritis and old cat fur..
What WONDERFUL news!! I hear the record is low 30s for a cat. They did a special in Cat Fancy a few years ago and I was amazed at the 18 and 19 year old cats, and then I turned the page. Many cats in their lower 20s and still going! And some in their upper 20s and this one in his low 30s. He passed away within a year of that (I think at age 32 or something) and they did a special. Poor dear was a Sphynx so he wasn't the most lovely to start with, imagine his many years as an old toothless hairless cat, LOL! He was a sweetie.
Pookey is also facing arthritis and old cat fur. I am combing him out regularly to help him with the dry fur and mats that now want to pop up. He has arthritis due to only having one back leg. To compensate, he has to position it differently than if he had two rear legs. So, his lower back and hip have arthritis. What medications to you give Onyx, if you give any... Right now, since he is doing so well and we want to keep him eating without stress (meds stress him), we are just keeping an eye on him. He isn't jumping like he used to, but still jumps on the bed and couch to favorite places. Once he stops doing that or show other signs of slowing down more than now, we'll start meds. Right now, he has me trained. In the evening, he meows at the end of the bed for me to lift him up. Most other times he jumps himself, but his range is diminishing. ----- Tammy and Pookey (Stanley 8/91 - 8/07)
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