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RE: Senior Cat Thoughts (Tips)

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Posted by: gocatgo at Mon Jan 25 22:59:56 2010  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by gocatgo ]  

Tammy, you are so lucky that you're not in Iowa this winter. This has been the worst that I can remember. It was halfway warm, in the 40s, till about Christmas, then it got cold and snowy with no relief in sight. The streets are covered with ice, the schools and businesses closed down, about 2 or 3 days every week. Blizzards, white-outs, and treacherous driving condition are the norm. I'm glad that I do not have to drive to work in this. To top it off, many homes are losing power for days at a time, mostly in the rural areas. Right after Christmas, the temperatures dropped below zero and stayed there for almost 2 weeks. I had a drain pipe freeze and had to call a plummer to clean it out. After paying the plummer $100, the temperature went up into the 40s and everything thawed. It was a good four or five days, now it's all turned around again. Paul called me a couple of days ago and said that he injured his shoulder when he got out of his truck and slipped on the ice. So now he is laid up. I am so looking forward to winter.

Samantha looks and sounds like she is sneezing. I've never seen a sneezing cat before but I'm sure that's what she's doing. This just started a few minutes ago. OK, now she's stopped. Businesses are closed in the Des Moines area so can't even take her to a vet. Everything closed at 4PM due to the weather.

Yes, the silly cats play musical food bowls and musical cat beds...they are so silly. While lying in a cat bed on her side, with the top edge of the bed for a pillow for her head and the top of the other end, a pillow for her feet, Samantha snoozes peacefully. Of course, seeing how comfy she is, they all want that bed and wait in line for it. However, she does it to all of the beds so they always want the bed that Samantha is in, no matter which one it is. And the more they want it, the longer she stays in it. She has a special knack to taunt Simba especially with her laid back attitude. He just paces back and forth waiting for her to get out so that he can have it. This has gone on with the two of them since I first got Simba when Samantha was just a kitten of 4 or 5 months. She knows how to taunt him and he falls right into it. Then when she finally leaves the bed or box or whatever she is taunting him with, he'll get in for about 5 minutes, only to discover that it's not as comfy as she made it out to be and leave it. Haha. She's so smart and Simba always has been a sucker.

Ruby and the Kitties
Simba, Samantha, Katrina & KatyKatt
Meow!! Meow!! Meow!! Meow!!

How wonderful to do nothing and then rest afterwards. Meow!


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>> Next Message:  RE: Senior Cat Thoughts (Tips) - gocatgo, Mon Jan 25 23:16:26 2010

<< Previous Message:  RE: Senior Cat Thoughts (Tips) - Cyclopsgrl, Mon Jan 25 19:00:38 2010