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at Mon Jun 4 17:40:00 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Jeff57 ]
Found 4 feral kittens in my yard Friday. Seemed playful. Several of them ate some moistened dry cat food. I noticed one of them had its left eye partially closed. Today, I noticed 3 of the 4 seem to be unable to open eyes. 2 of 3 gray-striped kittens don't seem to notice when I approach. The 3rd seems a little more aware and mobile. The 4th, a black kitten, has his eyes open & runs when I approach. Mom is a small skinny gray-striped cat. Is this eye crust likely a birth defect or illness? Two years ago, a more mature feral cat moved 5 kittens to our garage after neighbor girls started checking on them in their yard. I took one that looked ill to a vet hospital, but it died within a day. We captured a healthy black kitten & successfully adopted it. She fetches balls & strings & plays more seriously than any other cat I've had. She even brings toys to our bed and wakes me up to play. She gets along with a female cat a year older than her. Took in sick brother days later but he died in my arms next morning. Should I leave new kittens with their mom or catch them to take them to a vet? Would 2 year old cat adopted as feral kitten likely accept other kittens? Any advice on finding a vet in Philadelphia area willing to provide care at reasonable or reduced rates? Spent over $200 on sick feral kitten that died within 24 hours 2 years ago.
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Feral Kittens w crusty eyes - Jeff57, Mon Jun 4 17:40:00 2007