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at Thu Mar 9 09:51:13 2006 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by PHDrTobin ]
This certainly can be a confusing problem with apparently contradictory answers. Let's see if we can't present an orderly way of looking at it. Cats are obligate carnivores; that is, they need meat and animal products. They don't handle carbohydrates well, and being descendents from desert animals, they are not big drinkers, getting a large percentage of their moisture from their food. So the natural food for cats is meat and bone from small animals and birds. Healthy cats should get this, or as close to this as practical. Raw is better in that the food is not denatured and is easier to digest. The question is really what to do when the kidneys areaffected. If significant amounts of protein are being lost in the urine, this must be replaced, which means a high protein diet. If much kidney function has been lost, and the BUN is elevated and continues rising, a diet consisting of a low percentage of high-quality protein is indicated, as excess protein is converted tocarbohydrates and nitrogenous wastes, which must be eliminated. If this is already difficult, we don't want to add to the problem. So here a diet with less protein but more fat and fiber is more suitable. In each case, it is best to offer the cat several choices, allowinf the cat to eat what its body is calling for. This is the function of cravings and desires; it is the language the body speaks to tell us what it needs and wants. Food aversions is the way it tells us to avoid something. So in answer to your question, whether we feed a high protein or low protein diet depends on the specific conditions, and what the cat's body is calling for. We just need to stop and listen.
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