Posted by:
at Sat Oct 10 12:27:43 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by quill ]
Thank you. While waiting for your reply I decided to try a combination of 3 percent food-grade hydrogen peroxide(a couple of tablespoons) to one drop of Grapefruit Seed Extract(concentrate). Mixed it all together an squirted a little in her mouth. 1 1/2 cc several times a day. Her mouth, at first, foamed like crazy but after a few days it didn't and all the black is now gone and the inflammation is down to 20 percent. I didn't know until a couple of days ago that they put the same thing in some pet toothpaste for the same reason, to kill mouth bacteria because it's a fungicide among other things. I use it expecially after meals so that food doesn't sit in the mouth and lead to extra bacteria compounding the problem. I also use liquid chlorophyll with a little bit of Coenzyme Q10 to squirt in her mouth(and some swallowed too) and aid in healing. It seems to be working.
I just have one question about it though. She is probably ingesting some of the hydrogen peroxide. Probably two teaspoons or so in a 24 hour period, every day. Is there any overall harm that can come from this. It's hard not to squirt something in the mouth and not have some of it swallowed. I try to use as little as I can, just enough to get the job done. Your opinion on this would be much appreciated. Thank you.
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