Posted by:
at Tue Feb 23 12:31:03 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by quill ]
Hi again, A friend of mine had to be out of town for a week and asked me to take care of two mice. I almost think they are of the wild variety- small, a little bigger than my thumb and brown. I know nothing about rodents and tried to look up information on the Internet. The problem is that this person put down food that contained sunflower seeds and one mouse pretty well ate nothing but. The result is one mouse is so overweight that he can hardly move and any exertion makes him pant. The other mouse, who ate the same foods did not eat, I would think, as many sunflower seeds and is actually sort of thin. Both are together in the same cage. I still have a problem with leaving it up to the animal to know what it should should, when and how much, especially after seeing this. Mice in the wild should regulate themselves should they not? Right now, I would like to, in my friend's absence, get this back on track if I can. I took away all sunflower seeds and am giving carrots, apples, a 7 grain type cereal(for people but no salt), and ground up dry dog food as well as water. I don't know if I should pick up the food after the overweight mouse eats, but then if the other one hasn't eaten, then what, or because I took away the sunflower seeds and provided less fatty foods will the overweight mouse regulate himself and I don't need to take the food away. I wonder too about health problem, ie, fatty liver,etc from so much fat content in the sunflower seeds. Any direction would be appreciated. Thank you.
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Overweight mouse - quill, Tue Feb 23 12:31:03 2010