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RE: Puzzling problem/Need help

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Posted by: quill at Tue Jul 27 11:52:30 2010  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by quill ]  

Another update. I was told that in order to get a test for a fungal infection there would have to be a nasal flush done while there was the discharge from the nose. In order to get my cat to the point of a nasal discharge he would have to be in severe respiratory distress. At that point they would then do a nasal flush and thought to do that would increase the respiratory distress too much so are saying no. At this point, my cat was taking Dexamethasone every 12 hours and I was told to try to extend that time gradually to every other day. I was able to extend it to 18 hours then 24 hours and once to 36 hours before there was the start of raspy breathing, etc. Now, it's barely 11 hours before I have to give it again. I don't know if asthma produces a yellow nasal discharge or what else could be causing this problem or what else could be tried in the way of medication. The vets are offering nothing at this point and are saying that maybe my cat will always have to take Dexamathesone. I noticed that the left nasal passage, when I look directly into it, there's a normal nasal flap that moves in and out to the centre nasal bone and that the one on the left(on the same side that the upper fang was extracted) is now 50 percent covering the opening. It's not any different in size than the one on the right, it doesn't look swollen or red- it looks like it's moved in by 50 percent so when he breathes in it moves to the centre bone then moves back out when he breathes out and this might be causing some restricted breathing. I don't know if a sinus infection could be pressing on this and even if there was a possibility of a tumor would the Dexamethasone suppress the symptoms as the result of a tumor? His eye starts to bulge if I don't give the Dexamethasone but then it goes to normal size if I give it. If there was a tumor that was pressing on the eye, Dexamethasone wouldn't, as I see it, take away the symptoms of that, and they go away when Dexamethasone is given. The only thing is now that he is sounding raspy, especially if he gives a deep breath in. Maybe it's just the hole left by the extraction(does it ever fill in?) but then, the flap on his nose doesn't seem to be as far back as it should be. Maybe the allergic reaction is causing this, I don't know, and the vets don't seem to want to find out. I haven't ruled out asthma either although I don't know if asthma can cause all of what I have described or if asthma can be triggered by a tooth extraction because he has not ever had asthma or any kind of breathing problem before this. Thank you again, for any input you may offer on this.


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