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Hydration question

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Posted by: quill at Wed Aug 11 18:43:38 2010  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by quill ]  

Hi, How much can one hydrate a severely dehydrated cat at one go? Does one just keep giving saline sub qs until the pet is no longer dehydrated? I read where some say to give "large volumes" in cases of kidney failure to flush out the toxins. How much is deemed "large volumes" say for a 12 lb cat? Wouldn't large volumes be too much for the pet to absorb? Would it just be given not to be absorbed by to encourage a flushing action? So can different amounts be given depending on the reason why the sub qs are given, ie, large volumes if it's kidney failure?One vet said there's no problem if too much is given because it will just collect under the skin in the lower extremities, ie, the legs and a stomach pouch, until it is eventually absorbed, there's no way it can enter the body structure itself except by being absorbed, yet another will say that it can collected in spaces between the chest cavity and the chest wall and cause breathing problems.

What happens if a cat is severely dehydrated, large volumes of lactated ringers are given to offset the dehydration( ie, 700 cc at one time which just brought the cat to a hydrated state, and two hours later the pet is 30 percent dehydrated so 180 cc more is given),and the pet doesn't absorb the amount given, even after 24 hours and further develops moderate shortness of breath? Yet another cat who is 1/3 less in size and weight and not severely dehydrated is given 600cc at one time because the owner fell asleep while the drip was on and it took three days to absorb. No negative after effect.

It seems the rule of just pinching the back of the neck to determine the amount of dehydration and hydrating to the point that the skin doesn't stay in a fold, depends on the cat not what the hydrating is for- flushing or because of dehydration. Your opinion would be appreciated on this. Thanks.


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