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Asthma symptoms in cat

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Posted by: quill at Sun Aug 28 20:06:03 2011  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by quill ]  

Hi, I have a cat, male, neutered, 11 years old with what appear to be symptoms of asthma.He's an indoor cat. The problem started with what sounded like a bronchial wheeze, phlegm in the respiratory tract, no coughing but if I tapped him on the chest to clear it, it would end up sounding like a bronchial wheeze without clearing the phlegm.If I continue he will cough a cough that sounds like a bark but doesn't seem to want to cough the phelgm up on his own even if it's rattling.

A full day at the vet's to "observe" and he couldn't determine whether it was asthma or what it was but Dexamethasone was precribed to use on an "as needed" basis. Dexamethasone clears the symptoms in about an hour.

The problem is that I don't know what triggers it and I'm having to give 1 mg every day. It seems cold food(inadvertently given) triggers phelgm, wheezing, etc, in less than five minutes, so can any cool air and milk does too. I've eliminated any and all triggers I can think of and I find that I am having to give 1 mg at night if the symptoms have increased then he's OK the next day until the evening and then I have to give it again.

Dexamethasone, I find, can cause anemia, so I'm trying to find other alternatives. Any liquid I give him( I tried giving him colloidal silver), even with an eyedropper, will cause him to be croupy and get phlegm immediately, even if I give it very very slowly. He will drink water on his own without a problem.

Any help would be appreciated as to what I could give him that would correct this or make the bouts fewer and farther between. Thank you.


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