Posted by:
at Thu Oct 18 21:58:17 2012 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by kittyluvr2 ]
Hi board. Been a loooooooooooong time! I guess I could say I had just thought of this place and decided to see what's up around here. I see it is very quiet, and I commend you Tammy, for still being here and trying to help those who need it. Wow, how long has it been since I posted? Waaaaaaaay too long.
I did chuckle that you named one of your furkits Tammy...Tammy. LOL Ya don't see that very often and it makes me wonder how you came up with the name. Does she remind you of yourself? I would love to see pics!
How are you and your furries doing? How old are they? I would love to hear about them, as well as yourself. I wouldn't mind popping in here now and again....get involved again. I will have to make a link.....a VERY BIG LINK somewhere on my puter to remind me to pop in, as it will certainly need a link to smack me upside my head and remind me. I'll try.
I'll start another post to update you (and maybe some lurkers that have lost their way) on what's happening on (in?) my part of the globe. Many, many people...I still remember them. Could they still be around? Hmmmm....I sure could use a place to go to have some fun and get back to the ole' days. It was fun. We had a great board back then. But things happened on my end and I kinda lost my way. I'd love to find my way back, and maybe help a few folks along the way. 
Yep, I still talk to much... Not sure if I have a siggy here, but I am allowing it to post it, so I guess we'll find out. Catch ya on my 'comeback updated' post to follow.
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Hi Tammy...etc... - kittyluvr2, Thu Oct 18 21:58:17 2012