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RE: Update! Hi board!

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Posted by: Kittyluvr2 at Sun Oct 28 20:37:44 2012  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Kittyluvr2 ]  

Oh, and one more thing that really made me go "You have got to be kidding me!"....
A Norwegian (sp?) Cruise left NYC harbor at about 7pm for a cruise to Bermuda! WHAT!!!??? There was a guy from TWC at the NY harbor and he saw the ship leave! They are going to cruise right though the storm, with waves like 25 ft high! What on earth are they drinking on that cruise!? I guarantee that they have a ship full of very sea sick people.
The idiots just come out of the woodwork during storms.

I am not really on the shore of the island, so I am not really concerned with storm surge, which is the biggest worry. But I am in a mobile home community, hense the evacuation. They came around telling us we had to leave. Of course they can't force you, so we stay. I am not in a trailer/mobile home. I am in the park, but I have a regular house....well, a modular home. Basically like a regular house. And they house is fairly new, and hurricane strapped down. Good strong windows and roof etc...BUT, the park is filled with 30yr old trailers and I am sure they will be falling apart and blowing in the wind during the lengthy stay of the winds, which is why we were told to leave. I can only hope nothing takes exact aim at my windows or sky lights, as that is when we will have trouble. Other than that, we have tons of food, water, ice and we even have propane to cook with. Mom and I will play 5,000 Rummy (instead of the typical 500, LOL) and Scrabble and stuff. I have lots of books I have been reading, so I will have plenty to do...yet I am sure the novelty will wear off quickly.

Ok...shutting up now. That nervous energy kicking in again. Sorry.
Take care all.


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>> Next topic:  I don't know what else to do - Kittie86, Mon Nov 12 23:01:14 2012
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