Posted by:
at Sun Feb 3 08:28:31 2013 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by quill ]
Hi, I have a cat who received a scratch in the eye from another cat.I did not know this until the next day when, upon inspecting the eye, there was a tiny cloudy circle over the pupil which expanded in a few hours, to covering the pupil completely. It did not seem to go deep into the cornea and would shift down so she could almost look over it to see. The conjunctiva also swelled and became very red, upper and lower, but it doesn't look swollen at all when she has her eye open or closed. No conjuntiva showing. The vet precribed antibiotic drops and said it would take time to heal. I gave the drops for almost a month and the conjuntiva is still swollen and there still is a white film that covers the eye. The vet said just to keep giving it. I tried giving a drop of colloidal silver every couple of hours. If I do that,the cloudiness clears but the conjuntiva is still very swollen and there seems to be a clear raised area of the same size as the cloudy area had been. I thought if I kept giving it the raised area would eventually go away. Now I don't know. If I stop in the least, say overnight,it goes back to white. If I give it during the day it will turn to opaque and if I give it every half hour it will start to turn clear but I read where it can't be given for more than two days before having to stop, wait, then start again. There doesn't seem to be any more scratch on the cornea but there is still cloudiness and swollen conjuntiva in that eye. If this is pink eye that came after the scratch, why hasn't it gone by now with giving the antibiotic drops? What can I do? Thanks, in advance, for any information.
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