Posted by:
at Fri Jan 17 21:58:17 2014 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Costa_Rica_Cat ]
We just lost our little Spot yesterday. He was 4 weeks old when we found him, he was so tiny. He grew into a very handsome cat. A year ago I found another kitten, she was sick and very emaciated. She was 7 weeks old and weighed one pound. We named her Arainia. Spot didn't like Arainia at first, but they became best friends. I cried so much yesterday, I think my tears have all dried up. But poor little Arainia is so depressed. She won't get off the couch unless she absolutely has to. She will go and eat a little, get a little water and still use the litter box. But she is not playful at all. She has been looking the house over for her friend. She won't even cuddle with our older cat, Coal. I am not sure what to do for her, if I should just give her a few days and she how she is doing or what? She wouldn't even get off the couch for kitty treats. You can see the sadness in her eyes. It's really breaking my heart to see her this way. I just don't know what to do. I am already depressed enough with him gone, but to see her this way is even worse. Any advice is great appreciated. Thank you.
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