Posted by:
at Mon Dec 17 22:09:28 2012 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by pitaandsassy ]
All da way frum Alasky Pita made hims trip, hims twuck not as shiny as when it wuz noo, but it still in gud shapes. Frum da Norf pole hims cames! Dwesst like an Elfkin in green and red hims now greyin' whiskers only slightly hiding hims big smile. Hims den begen unloadin hims truck wiff tables and chairs. In the big room hims setted up. Den rites on time da big heated truck cames, frum outs in back he help bring out da cookeded turkits and somz roast beasties, Hims eben bringed some uf hims own hunting game meat dat hims jerkied himself (it real good), der beeze rolls and treats eberywheres and annudder sack uf reds dat hims gibs Tita to pass out to da kitterlings. Ebery kitten gits a big soft blankie and a pair uf mittins. den der is a few big boxers as one a box wiff toys fur all to play wiff, annudder wiff a TV and tapes to play (long wiff edumicational tapes too), and a third....wiff sum compooters (wiff safety feechurs to keep dems free of enny kitty porn sites). " deer Tita, what bedder way to use dem devidded cheks dat Momma Andi been sabin" hims smiles lookin at all da kitterlings eyes lites up. Den affer kissin hims wifeykit hims goes helps unka John playin Santapawz.
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