Posted by:
at Thu Dec 20 23:57:56 2012 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by TheZooCrew ]
Either that, or puff yourself up as big as you can and let out a hiss that they can hear across the country, and show them who's boss! That's what my late sisfur Minx did when she met Whiskers. Whiskers was such a bully that Mommy and Daddy picked Minx because she was female and they were afraid he would kill another male. She did what I suggested, he hid behind a cabinet, and she ruled from then on, mol.
BamBam small but feisty herownself ----- The Zoo Crew BamBam, Cuddles and Calley Whiskers, Minx, Misty, Boo, Patches and Tinkerbell will live forever in our hearts.
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